• N. Korea, Namibia reach deals
    North Korea agreed Friday to cooperate in health and medicine with Namibia while reaching a preliminary deal on "diplomatic negotiations" with the world's fifth-largest uranium producer, Pyongyang's o..
    Mar.22,2008 14:25 KST
  • Seven N. Korean asylum seekers arrive in U.S.: report
    A group of seven North Korean defectors, who had been under U.N. protection in China, have arrived in the United States, a U.S. government-funded radio station said Saturday. The defectors were ..
    Mar.22,2008 14:18 KST
  • Impasse in inter-Korean relations creates uncertainty about family reunions
    Despite a sense of urgency for aged families who have been separated for more than a half century since the 1950-53 Korean War, there remains a great deal of uncertainty about w...
    Mar.22,2008 12:41 KST
  • Lee reiterates bid to help forestation of N. Korea
    President Lee Myung-bak Friday instructed his Cabinet to begin discussions on supporting the forestation of North Korea in preparation for national unification. "As I pledged during my president..
    Mar.21,2008 17:18 KST
  • U.S. official visits S. Korea to discuss N.K. food shortage
    A U.S. State Department official visited South Korea to assess North Korea's food situation amid reports of a worsening food shortage in the communist state, a government source here said Thursday. ..
    Mar.21,2008 09:48 KST
  • No Gaeseong expansion without progress in nuclear standoff
    Unification Minister Kim Ha-joong said on March 19 that the Gaeseong (Kaesong) Industrial Complex will not be expanded until there is progress in the North Korean nuclear issue....
    Mar.20,2008 12:23 KST
  • N. Korea to convene parliamentary session
    North Korea will convene an annual session of the Supreme People's Assembly, its rubber-stamp legislature, next month, the communist state's official news media reported Thursday. "The 6th sessi..
    Mar.20,2008 10:59 KST
  • S. Korea to replace top nuclear envoy
    South Korea is likely to name a new team of nuclear negotiators later Thursday in a sweeping shake-up of senior diplomats under the new government, sources said. Top nuclear envoy Chun Yung-woo ..
    Mar.20,2008 10:58 KST
  • S. Korea sticks to low-key transport of N. Korean defectors
    South Korea will maintain its policy of bringing in North Korean defectors in small groups due to security concerns and a shortage of accommodation, despite Thailand's request for Seoul to accept hund..
    Mar.19,2008 13:47 KST
  • 오피니언


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