Posted on : Oct.30,2019 16:25 KST

The South Korea Football Association (KFA) has announced that the DPR (North) Korea Football Association will not be sending the North Korean women’s football team to the East Asian Football Federation (EAFF) E-1 Championship, scheduled for Dec. 10 to 18 in Busan. Held biannually, the EAAF E-1 championship normally features four countries from among 10 member nations: South Korea, North Korea, China, Taiwan, Gwam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mongolia, and the Northern Mariana Islands. EAFF General Secretary Park Yong-soo said North Korea didn't provide a specific reason for its withdrawal. The photo shows the captains of the South and North Korean football teams before the two faced each other in a 2022 World Cup qualifier in Pyongyang on Oct. 15. (provided by the KFA)

  • 오피니언


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