Posted on : Aug.26,2019 16:28 KST Modified on : Aug.26,2019 17:00 KST

North Korea test launches newly developed short-range projectiles on Aug. 25.

“Super-large multiple rocket launcher” launched from Sondok into the East Sea on Aug. 25

Attention is focusing on the specifications of the projectiles that North Korea fired from Sondok, in South Hamgyong Province, from what it described as a “super-large multiple rocket launcher.” Photographs released by North Korea on Aug. 25 indicate that the projectiles look similar to those launched previously from its “large-caliber guided multiple rocket launcher,” while the launch tube differs from those of its transporter-erector-launcher (TEL). According to some observations, the caliber of the projectiles appears larger than the original estimate of 400mm.

The rockets were fired from Sondok into the East Sea at 6:45 and 7:02 am on the morning of Aug. 24. Observations indicate they had reached a maximum height of 97km, flying for some 380km with a top speed of at least Mach 6.5. The rockets are similar in appearance to the new large-caliber guided multiple rocket launcher that North Korea fired on July 31 and Aug. 2, down to the canard fins on the front.

Rockets from the large-caliber MLRS flew at an altitude of 30-35km, a distance of 220-250km, and a speed of Mach 6.9. Military experts have noted the similarity with China’s 400mm WS-2D multiple rocket launcher. Though North Korea blurred out sections of launch images released at the time, it was assumed that the mobile launcher had treads, with six launch tubes in two rows.

North Korea test launches newly developed short-range projectiles on Aug. 24.

But the photos of the super-large multiple rocket launcher released yesterday make clear that the launcher is on wheels, carrying four launch tubes in two rows. The launch tubes also look larger than before. “Considering that North Korea described this as ‘another Juche weapon that the world has never seen before,’ this could be a completely different weapon system, with a caliber in excess of 400mm,” one South Korean military expert said.

If this multiple rocket launcher in fact represents a new weapon system, it would be the fourth new weapon system that North Korea has claimed to be developing, in addition to the “new tactical guided weapon,” “new large-caliber guided multiple rocket launcher,” and, more vaguely, “new weapon.” This has led some experts to conclude that North Korea plan has always been to replace its original 300mm multiple rocket launcher with two models, a large-caliber guided multiple rocket launcher and a super-large multiple rocket launcher. “Along with enhancing its Scud-series of missiles to use solid fuel, it has also been quickly upgrading its existing multiple rocket launchers,” a source in the South Korean military said.

By Yoo Kang-moon, senior staff writer

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