• The day of the locust
    A group of children plays along the banks of Jungrang Stream in Seoul on July 24, holding nets to catch locusts. The games were part of a program called ‘Locust Eco-school.’
    Jul.25,2006 11:08 KST
  • Bush’s multitasking
    Bush is busy sending guided missiles to Israel, but not too busy to tell Iran and Syria to stop helping Hezbollah. (Hankyoreh Geurimpan, 24 July 2006)
    Jul.24,2006 10:17 KST
  • New skills in a new country
    Foreigners working in Korea celebrate the finish of their semester at a graduation ceremony held in Seoul on July 23. They were taught Korean and computer skills at a foreign wo...
    Jul.24,2006 09:45 KST
  • N. Korean female defector band eyes stardom in the South
    Although their debut album has not been released yet, the Dallae Music Band is already upbeat, hoping to hit it big. The five-woman band, all North Korean defectors, has made a string of media ap..
    Jul.22,2006 12:27 KST
  • Gambling on the future
    Korea is "the land that encourages gambling," whether it be horse racing, keirin, internet gambling, or "adult video games." At the FTA Video Gambling Arcade, Koreans are bu...
    Jul.22,2006 11:58 KST
  • Horsemen of the metropolis
    A neighborhood security patrol takes to the saddle to round up any would-be criminals in Seoul on July 21. They are civilians, appointed as volunteer firefighters by the Yongsan...
    Jul.22,2006 11:55 KST
  • South Korean film industry reeling from sluggish sales in Japan
    "No more Korean movies!" These half-teasing words, shouted by a Japanese film investor during the Cannes Film Festival this year, illustrates in a way the current status of the ...
    Jul.21,2006 13:56 KST
  • It’s a dog’s life
    Animal-rights activists lock themselves in cages in Seoul on July 20 to show their opposition to the Korean custom of eating dog meat in the middle of summer.
    Jul.21,2006 11:47 KST
  • Pizza for a good cause
    A group of docters at Seoul National University Children’s Hospital prepares to deliever pizza in Seoul on July 19. They will take the proceeds of 2,000 won (2 USD) for each piz...
    Jul.20,2006 11:26 KST
  • [Cartoon] What’s wrong with this guy?
    Kim Jong-il is out on a limb, so to speak, as he tries to avoid rising floodwaters. Bush and Koizumi are hacking away at the flood barrier when Bush turns to ask Roh Moo-hyu...
    Jul.20,2006 10:04 KST
  • 오피니언


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